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Tahir "Turk" Devletsah

I am writing you on behalf of my father Turk (Tahir). On Sept 22, he passed away from a two month hospital stay. He was admitted for a mild heart attack and then somehow tore his esophagus. Doctors saved his life and were able to insert two esophageal stents. A few weeks later he had another surgery to have a stomach tube inserted into his stomach as he was not going to be able to eat regular food for several months. After a few days, somehow that tube moved and poked his colon. He was rushed to have another emergency surgery to repair both his colon and stomach.

My dad had such a will to live and fought the whole way through! His body endured so much and by the end became very weak. We did bring him home to rehab but he was only with us for a week until we had to rush him to the hospital again. He passed very quickly and didn't suffer, ultimately going into cardiac arrest.

We had a beautiful service for him this past Tues and it was standing room only. We even had a military send off and my mom was given the American flag. My father was so proud to be American, we knew he would be smiling down on us. Our Dad was larger than life and has left a HUGE hole in our hearts, one that which will never be repaired.

We are taking care of my Mother and just trying to cope day by day. Not sure if and when we will disable this email but just in case, my email is My phone is 408-887-6847. I'm sorry we weren't able to notify you any sooner, we always believed he'd pull through and we'd get back to our normal lives.

With all our love,
The Devletsah Family - Remziye, Ayla, Aynur and Turan (his #1 grandson)