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Norman Brooks

Norman Brooks was born on Saturday, December 03, 1938 and passed away on Wednesday, March 04, 2020. Norman Brooks was a resident of California at the time of passing.

A message from Judi Patton

Dear TWA Family Member:

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I inform you, a dear TWA family member, Norman Brooks passed on Wednesday, March 4th in San Diego, California.  Norman was a Supervisor in the San Francisco Res Office, Manager at SFO/ATO, and in the 70's he worked for TWA in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.      

A memorial service will be held Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 2:00pm at First Covenant Church, 4000 Redwood Road, Oakland, CA 94619.

If you'd like to send a card to the family, cards can be sent to Norman's wife, Barbara Brooks, 4516 Mt. Hubbard Avenue, San Diego, CA 92117.  

I remember Norm Brooks very well.  He was a gentleman and was always so pleasant.  Norm will be missed by many.         

Judi Patton