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Gene Look

A message from Judi Patton.

Sorry I did not get this to you sooner.  Better late than never.  Gene Look and Ralph Robey hired me at TWA.  I remember the interview as if it was yesterday.  He always had a special place in my heart.

A message from Gene's wife.

Dear Ambassadors…

Sad news from Marlene Look.  Her husband Gene Look passed away in February from Alzheimer’s complications.  I’m sure you remember Gene.  He worked in SFO ATO.  Marlene said that as the Alzheimer’s progressed, Gene stopped reading.  But when she would bring him the Tailwinds, his eyes would light up and he would search the pages for his TWA friends. 

Cards of condolence may be sent to:
Marlene Look
7608 Cottonwood Lame
Pleasanton, CA 94588