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Fred Young

Just got a call from his wife to let me know that Fred Young, SFO retired mechanic, passed away on Friday, February 24th. He was 93 years young and had been in assisted living facilities for quite some time and more lately, hospice. His wife Lillian indicated they would probably have some services next month and that she would keep me informed once plans are set. Will let you know when I learn more about services. For cards or condolences, use this address. 

Lillian Young
10 Crystal Springs Rd Unit 1309
San Mateo, C94402

About the funeral planned for Fred Young.
There's a vigil service at 6 pm on Thursday, March 30, and a funeral Mass at 11 am on Friday, March 31. Both events will be at St. Bart's Church, 600 Columbia Drive, San Mateo.
