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Chuck Deza

A message to Judi Patton from the daughter of Chuck Deza:

Hello Judi,

My name is Cynthia, I am Carlos Deza's daughter.  I am writing to inform you that my father passed away on February 17th, peacefully at home.  He had been sick for quite some time and was a fighter all the way.  We had a small memorial on the 28th with family and friends.

He loved his TWA gang and missed those days greatly.  He took great pride in his airline career, as well as did we.  I have fond memories of visiting Dad at the airport.  

Dad was always surrounded by my loving mother, Lydia, his children and grandchildren.  This brought him his greatest joy.

This email will remain active should you wish to reach out.  Thank you for keeping in touch with Dad through the years.

Cynthia Deza Ragusa