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Robert "Bob" Macias

7/11/1944 -- 4/11/2019

Message off FaceBook

ok here is a update on Robert " Bobby "Macias.. there will be a service at Jefferson Barrack at 10:00 am on April 26.

L to R: Frank Hasan, (CC) Cox, Robert Macias and Bill Codori.

L to R back row: Mack Fuller, Henry Anakotta, W. Smity (former SFO-TWA), Carroll "CC" Cox and Paul Hamilton.

L to R front: Bob Macias and Bob Flores.

L to R: Bob Macias, W. Smity, Carroll "CC" Cox, Paul Hamilton and Mac Fuller.

L to R front:  Wally "the Moose" Morse and Bob Flores.

L to R: Pat Pierce, Tony Caragan and Bob Macias.