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Socrates “Soc” Ordaniel Salas

Our friend Sal in the center.

Words from Sal's friend Linda Calvo.


I just rcvd a call from Socrates Salas' family today.  Socrates just passed away
yesterday after a two year battle with cystic fibrosis.His birthday would have
been tomorrow.  He went peacefully, while a mass was being held at his
residence.  He was with family and was prepared to go, with a smile on his face.

Socrates always worked very hard in whatever position he was assigned.  He did
more than was required and was a very positive person, always friendly and kind
to his coworkers.  He enjoyed travel and was a die hard TWAer.  He always tried
to make it to as many TWA gatherings as possible. He loved to talk about the
days when TWA was the best.  Now, Socrates has gone "up,up and away!"


