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Larry Koryak

Larry Koryak on the right with Henry Anokotta.

Dear Ambassadors....

Received the email below from Rhonda Koryak about the passing of Larry.
If you care to send a card of condolence to Rhonda... the address is:
824 Aguello Blvd.
Pacifica, Ca 94044

Now... here is the email from Rhonda Koryak
Dear  TWA members,
On Sunday evening 11/16th Larry Koryak passed away peacefully in his sleep at home. Their were no previous life threatening illness leading up to his passing.  Larry leaves behind his beloved wife, daughter
Tish & son Joseph. We are trying to process what has happened.
In 1964 Joseph L Koryak  ( Larry)  joined TWA based here at SFO and never looked back, through thick
& thin he was devoted to the airline & it's employees . He began in air cargo & over the years he would
be spotted up at ticket sales helping the agents etc.  Larry merged to American for one year (2003), then
decided to take the retirement that was offered, He missed TWA.
In lieu of cards , please donate to the TWA Skyliner to keep it going - Larry loved reading it.
Rhonda Koryak (wife)