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Cynthia Taylor

Dear friends,

It is with a heavy heart I inform you that Cynthia passed away in her sleep last night.  I got a call from Loren, her daughter, this morning letting me know of this sad news.  She had been ill for some time and I want to let you know that she was happy until the end.  She was a fine lady, and never one to complain.

I don't know what the final arrangements are. Larry Jenzen, a fellow TWA'er is in contact with the family and he'll let me know of any news; I in turn will be happy to forward the info.  You can send condolences to Loren  & Jamie Taylor, 1548  50th St, Sacramento, CA 95819.  

Please keep her in your prayers.

Rosa Rubio

A few TWAers at the memorial services for Cynthia Taylor July 28th 2012.

Courtesy of LeRoi Hill.
